2024-01 Confirming Election of Chair and Secretary
2024-02 Confirming Election of Ex Com and Alts
2024-03 Approving Professional Staff
2024-04 Approving Defense Counsel and Assoc
2024-05 Recommending EPL POL Defense Panel
2024-06 Appointing Joe Nardi as Conflict Solicitor
2024-07 Adopting Cash and Investment Policy
2024-08 Adopting Procedures for OPMA
2024-09 Adopting Fiscal Policies
2024-10 Adopting Admin Policies
2024-11 Designating Ex Dir as Comp Officer
2024-12 Adopting Conflict of Interest Policy
2024-13 Establishing Fund Records Program
2024-14 Establishing Plan of RM
2024-15 Approving Claims Payment Officer
2024-16 Travel Reim Exp Policy
2024-17 Closed Session January
2024-19 Amending Plan of Risk Mgmt
2024-20 Appointing Jim Pacanowski as Cyber Rep
2024-23 Adopting ACM Lit Mgmt Guidelines
2024-24 Release of ACM 2022 Closed Mins
2024-25 Release of ACM 2023 Closed Mins
2024-26 Appoint J Pacanowski MEL_RCF_EJIF Rep
2024-28 Adopting ACM Model Indem Insurance Provisions
2024-29 Honoring Lucy Samuelsen
2024-30 Adopting Lit Mgmt Guidelines COI Policy ACM
2024-31 Approving Associate Julianne Affanato
2024-36 Authorizing release of surplus from closed yrs
2024-37 Intrafund Transfer 2021 WC AL_Sept
2024-38 Authorizing 3 yr MEL JIF Membership ACM 2025-2027-Fully Executed
2024-39 Authorizing 3 yr RCF JIF Membership ACM 2025-2027
2024-42 Authorizing Transfer of FY2020 to RCF
2024-43 Release of Upper Twp AELCF
2024-44-Appointing J. Pacanowski MEL_RCF_EJIF_Cyber 2025
2024-45 ACM Closed Resolution Dec
2024-46 ACM Transfer to MEL Unencumbered Surplus
2023-01 Confirming Election of Chair and Sec
2023-02 Confirming Election of Ex Com and Alts
2023-04 Approving Defense Counsel and Assoc
2023-05 Recomm EPL POL Defense Panel
2023-06 Appointing J Nardi as Conflict Solicitor
2023-07 Adopting Cash and Investmt Policy
2023-08 Adopting Procedures for OPMA
2023-09 Adopting Fiscal Policies
2023-10 Adopting Admin Policies
2023-11 Designating Ex Dir as Comp Officer
2023-12 Adopting Conflict of Interest Policy
2023-13 Establishing Fund Records Program
2023-14 Establishing Plan of RM
2023-15 Approving Claims Pymt Officer
2023-16 Travel Reim Exp for PrimaAgrip
2023-17 Closed Session January
2023-18 Authorizing Claims Audit with North Shore Risk
2023-19 Release of Lowers AELCF
2023-20 Appointing Wintsec as Tech Risk Dir Feb-Dec 2023
2023-21 Honoring Jim Craft Past Chair
2023-23 Res Amending Res 2022-57 for D2 NTE contract amount
2023-24 Electing member to fill vacancy-VK pdf
2023-25 Confirming Revised Ex Comm-VK
2023-28 Release of 2022 Closed Session Mins
R2023-29 ACM JIF MEL RCF Cyber Rep 2023
2023-32 Resignation of Cooper Levenson as Defense Counsel
2023-33 Accepting Annual JIF Audit
2023-34 Authorizing Intrafund Transfer to 2019 WC-June
2023-35 Creation of RCF Supplemental Assmt Account
2023-36 Honoring James Goos Retirement
2023-38 Appointing Roy Spoltore as Acting Sec
2023-39 Closed Session September
2023-40 Authorizing Release of Surplus from Clsd Yrs
2023-43 Res for ACM JIF to Join E-JIF EXECUTED
2023-44 Transfer FY 2019 to RCF
2023-45 Res Amending 2023 ACM JIF RM Plan
2023-46 Appointing LM as MEL RCF Cyber Rep 2024
2023-48 Authorizing transfer to MEL Unencumbered Surplus
2023-49 Authorizing D2 Jan 2023 contract to be revised
2023-50 Auth 1 yr Contract D2 for Cyber Hygiene Phishing
2023-51 Auth 1 yr Contract D2 for External Vulnerability Scanning
2023-52 Auth 1 yr Contract D2 for External Penetration Testing
2023-53 Appointing LM as EJIF Rep 2024
2023-54 Designating Additional Approved Associate
2022-01 Confirming Chair and Sec
2022-02 Confirming Ex Comm and Alts
2022-04 Awarding Contracts to Defense Counsel
2022-05 Recomm EPL POL Def Panel
2022-06 Appointing Conflict Attorney
2022-07 Adopting Cash Mgmt and Investmt Policy
2022-08 Adopting Open Public Mtgs Compliance
2022-09 Adopting Fiscal Policies
2022-10 Adopting Admin Policies
2022-13 Establishing Fund Records Program
2022-15 Designate Claims Pymt Officer
2022-16 Participation in MEL Named Storm Risk
2022-17 Authorizing Reimb of Travel Exp
2022-19 Create MEL Unenc Surplus Acct and transfer FY2021-ACM
2022-22 Appointing QualCare for Mgd Care Services_3-1 to 1-1-23
2022-25 Honoring Garrison Retirement
2022-27 Release of 2015 Closed Session
2022-28 Release of 2016 Closed Session
2022-29 Release of 2017 Closed Session
2022-30 Release of 2020 Closed Session
2022-31 Release of 2021 Closed Session
2022-33 Authorizing Approv Assoc to Def Panel
2022-34 Removing Approv Assoc from Def Panel
2022-35 Electing new EC to fill vacancy-HS
2022-36 Confirming replacemt remainder of year-HS
2022-37 Closed Session -June 2022-38 Certifying 12-31-21 Audit
2022-39 Authorizing pymt for MEL Trigger Assmt
2022-40 Authorizing pymt for RCF Surplus Trigger
2022-43 Authorizing Intrafund transfer FY 2021-Sept
2022-44 Authorizing Release of Surplus
2022-47 Release Port Republic AELCF
2022-49 Transfer 2018 to MEL RCF
2022-50 Release of Surplus-supplemental ACM
2022-51 Accepting Cyber JIF assessments 2023- ACM JIF
2022-52 Res Kellie Seib as MEL RCF and Cyber JIF Representative
2022-53 Rejecting all Tech Risk Ser Dir responses
2022-55 Authorizing transfer to MEL Unencumbered Surplus
2022-56 Authorizing 1 yr contract with Wizer
2022-57 Authorizing 1 yr contract with D2
2022-58 Honoring Richard Hirsch Retirement
2022-59 Honoring Paul J Miola Service
2021-01 Confirming Chair and Sec
2021-02 Confirming Ex Comm and Alts
2021-03 Appointing Professional Staff
2021-04 Awarding Contracts to Defense Counsel and Assoc
2021-05 Recommending EPL POL Defense Panel
2021-06 Appointing Conflict Attorney
2021-07 Adopting Cash Mgmt and Investmt Policies
2021-08 Adopting Open Public Mtgs Compliance
2021-09 Adopting Fiscal Policies 2021-10 Adopting Admin Policies
2021-11 Establishing Public Comp Officer
2021-13 Establishing Fund Records Program
2021-15 Designation of Claims Pymt Officer
2021-16 Participation in MEL Named Storm Ded
2021-17 Authorizing Travel Expenses
2021-21 Authorizing release of Buena Vista AELCF
2021-24 Authorizing pymt for covid WC files to QL
2021-26 Release 2018 Closed Session
2021-27 Release 2020 Closed Session
2021-29 Accepting Annual Audit
2021-30 Authorizing Pymt for MEL Surplus Trigger
2021-31 Authorizing Pymt for RCF Surplus Trigger
2021-33 Authorizing Destruction of Records
2021-34 Authorizing Contract with Wizer-cyber training
2021-35 Authorizing Release of Surplus ACM
2021-36 Authorizing MEL 3 yr Renewal-ACM
2021-37 Authorizing RCF 3 yr Renewal-ACM
2021-41 Authorize transfer of FY 2017 to RCF
2021-42 Appoint Rich Hirsch to MEL and RCF
2021-43 Execute contract with Chris Winter for Law Enf Services thru 12-31-21
2021-44 Honoring Joseph Picard
2021-46 Executing 2022 contract with Wizer
2021-47 Executing 2022 contract with D2
2021-48 Upper Twp Release AELCF
2020-01 Confirming Election of Chair and Secretary
2020-02 Confirming Election of Executive Committee and Alternates
2020-03 Appointing Professional Staff
2020-04 Approving Defense Attorneys
2020-05 Recommending EPL-POL Defense Panel
2020-06 Appointing Louis J. Greco, Esquire as Conflict Solicitor
2020-07 Adopting Cash and Investment Policy
2020-08 Adopting Procedures in Compliance with Open Public Meetings Act
2020-09 Adopting Fiscal Policies and Procedures
2020-10 Adopting Administrative Policies and Procedures
2020-12 Adopting and Establishing a Conflict of Interest Policy
2020-13 Establishing a Fund Records Program
2020-14 Plan of Risk Management-Committee Charters
2020-15 Designation of Certifying and Approving Officer for the Payment of Claims
2020-16 Authorizing Participation in MEL Named Storm Deductible Risk Sharing Program
2020-17 Authorizing Advance Travel Expenses for travel to PRIMA & AGRIP conferences
2020-22 Authorizes Pymts If Mtg Cancelled
2020-24 Release of 2019 Closed Session
2020-26 Release of 2018 Closed Session
2020-29 Accepting Annual Audit 2019
2020-30 Release Hammonton’s Share of AELCF – June
2020-32 Authorizing contract with Police One
2020-33 Authorizing contract with Media Pro-Pivot Point
2020-34 Electing EC member to fill vacancy
2020-35 Confirming EC replacement for 2020
2020-37 Release of Surplus from CY
2020-38 Closed Session October
2020-41 Richard Hirsch Appointed as Rep to MEL JIF and RCF
2020-43 ACM Transfer to MEL Retro Account
2020-44 ACM Amending 07 and 09 to Participate JCMI